Pencil +
Big Design 2014 programme/Design museum
Alvaro Montenegro Leon
Ben Moffatt
Karena Drego
Madeleine Alexander
Patamawadee Ngamkajonviwat
Peng You
Big Design
The ‘Big Design’ 2014 programme is the Design Museum’s new open learning platform for Higher Education students. It aims to encourage industry partnerships and foster multidisciplinary collaborations. In this programme, each group has to choose one object from the ‘In The Making’ exhibition by Barber Osgerby to create a further development that produces a good impact on society.
Insight :
" It takes 14 years to create one pencil but only 14 days for one to loose it. "
A Pencil is the first tool that we use to write, draw or sketch. However, few people are really aware of the value of a pencil.
It takes more than 14 years for a tree to grow and a year for it to be manufactured, with over a hundred people involved in the process, alongside thousands of miles of material shipping.
Pencil +
a learning programme for students in elementary school. Pencil combines a colour-changing pencil and a pencil lesson. The colour of the pencil will be changed to relate to how many times a student has used it.The more student use pencil, the more its colour will be changed. The lessons contain a pencil story to educate children about the pencil programme, while there is also a pencil meter to let them know about the meaning of pencils and games to motivate children during the lesson to learn.
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