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Lab for learners

Aalto university and Royal College of Art
Patamawadee Ngamkajonviwat
Natalia Vladikyna
Valentina Paz
Xiaoxue Dong

Lab for Learners


Lab for learners is a collaboration programme between Aalto University and the Royal College of Art. The project is focused on improving the student and teacher experience in Tapiola school.


To understand the Finnish education system,  class observation and taking part in a workshop was necessary. In order to know of their creativity and how they value their resources that they have, we set up a workshop, asking students and teacher to create “A Rocket to Mars”  by thinking about what they would need and mapping out the resources around them.







1. Students are excited to learn and acquire new knowledge.

2. Students want  access to community resources to develop their skills.

3. Students want to work with people in their community.






Learning Factory


My team  and I created a collaboration project called the “Learning Factory” which allowed the class to work with experts from the community and Aalto students. During the project, they will be able to use the facilities in Aalto university and in the community to prototype and develop their ideas. They will be provided with a map which have information on the various places.


This project will be put on the website, so that people may give comments and follow its progression.



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