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The Helen Hamlyn Center
Anna Rayoun Kim
Patamawadee Mcgarr
Saejin Lee

With the emergence of private taxis for hire such as Uber or Addison Lee and the public transportation improvement by Transportation of London (TFL), taxi passenger numbers have been decreasing from year to year.


Uber and Addison Lee offer good transportation services at a reasonable price while TFL have improved their infrastructure to decrease delays and cancellation.




1.Taxi drivers have the knowledge of all of London, they are also locals and have potential to become "London Ambassadors". 


2.It is known that international tourist families  are the most likely to use a black cab; they are willing to pay for their convenience and the experience.






My London Cab tour


The first taxi tour service platform that offers passengers an excellent service and adds a joyous experience to their journey.


In the service, the taxi driver will be their London Ambassador. The driver will customise the trip according to tourist demands and take them to experience things as a local. Along the journey, tourists will have a London screen in the car on which they have access to travel information, news and events. At the end of the trip, tourists will get a London journey track which contains information on all places visited and memories from the journey.




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